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Founded in 1917, Bainbridge International is one of the longest established sailcloth manufacturers in the world, with almost a century's experience in developing and supplying the highest quality, highest performance materials to the marine industry.

Sailman 3500 Batten System

Sailman 3500 Batten Slide 9.0mm

Sailman 3500 slides are designed to run inside the mast groove and unlike Sailman 3000 and 4000 slides, do not bear on the aft face of the mast. This allows them to run past feeding gates and to slide in very narrow grooves on composite wing masts.
  • To prevent wear on composite spars the slides have no exposed metal parts
  • The smallest slug version has a waist of just 3.4mm, allowing it to fit the narrowest of grooves
  • Glass reinforced and PTFE impregnated construction
  • Fully articulating solid stainless steel joint allows 'lay flat' rotation of battens when the sail is stowed or reefed
  • M10 thread allows connection to Series 25, Series 35, Series 55 batten boxes
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