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Founded in 1917, Bainbridge International is one of the longest established sailcloth manufacturers in the world, with almost a century's experience in developing and supplying the highest quality, highest performance materials to the marine industry.

Aquabatten Uniform L0 20mm Battens

Aquabatten Uniform Section Glass Batten 2400 x 20mm | 7 x 7mm

PRE-PREG GLASS EPOXY Untapered Unifrom Aquabatten range

  • Unique layering process increases inter-laminar bond
  • Laminate construction encapsulated in a multi layer outer casing minimises batten failure
  • Stress is dissipated along the full length of the batten
  • Handles torque stress caused by twist, where uni-directional pultruded battens can fail
  • Made in the UK
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