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Founded in 1917, Bainbridge International is one of the longest established sailcloth manufacturers in the world, with almost a century's experience in developing and supplying the highest quality, highest performance materials to the marine industry.

Stitchers & Stitcher Needles

#5 Fine Straight Needle for Stitching Awl C910US

  • Choose between the Speedy Stitcher (C916) and Stitching Awl (C910US).
  • The Speedy Stitcher is a hand-operated sewing machine which is suitable for use with most heavy fabrics and leather.
  • Speedy Stitcher needles (C917C8 and C917ST8 come individually, Stitching Awl needles C9105, C9106 and C9108 come in packs of 3.
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