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Founded in 1917, Bainbridge International is one of the longest established sailcloth manufacturers in the world, with almost a century's experience in developing and supplying the highest quality, highest performance materials to the marine industry.

Knives & Blades

Excel Black™ Ultra-Sharp Snap Blades 18mm For OLFBNAL & OLFMXPAL (Blister Pack Of 50)

OLFA© Excel BlackÙ takes blade sharpness to the next level. OLFA's secret, advanced production process makes this blade 25% sharper than EnduranceÙ blades. You can really feel the difference as your cutter glides through the cutting surface with ease and precision. Not only do the blades last much longer than conventional blades, they give you clean cuts that show off the quality of your work, making them ideal for any heavy-duty cutting task where the finish is important.
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